Get Lost!! Running, Racing

In 2011, enjoy all the formats Get Lost!! has to offer!

1. Street Scramble Events

Urban map trekking is the gateway to the promised land. It offers a fun challenge to navigators of all levels of experience. Take off on a map for 90 minutes or 3 hours in some of the most beautiful urban meccas of the Bay Area, with a little wild sprinkled in. Bikes optional.

Millbrae Street Scramble 26 March 2011 Millbrae, CA USA
Santa Cruz Street Scramble 21 May 2011 Santa Cruz, CA USA
Mill Valley Street Scramble 30 July 2011 Mill Valley, CA USA
Berkeley and Oakland Hills Street Scramble 24 September 2011 Berkeley, CA USA

2. Rogaines

In 2010, we offered some tasty morsels of Coe, an appetizer. In 2011, we bring you the full-on enchilada—the opportunity to Get Lost!! in Coe for up to 24 hours. A true rogaine right in the backyard of Silicon Valley. With smaller portions for those with smaller appetites—you can go for 4 or 8 hours, too.

Get Lost!! in Henry Coe (a rogaine) 05–06 November 2011 Gilroy, CA USA

U.S. Rogaine Championship status has been approved for this event.

3. Map Sport

Witness Sprint the Golden Gate, an international-scale festival showcasing intense, detailed map-navigation competition. Not only can you observe world-class athletes competing in spectacular race arenas, you can run the same courses as them, even with them, and live the dream. All on new and updated maps in the city of San Francisco.

A World Ranking Event in Golden Gate Park has been sanctioned by Orienteering USA and approved by the International Orienteering Federation. A multi-stage elimination series, not unlike the one we hosted in 2009, will follow. Although the Sprint Series are not happening in 2011, the tournament will be a worthy conclusion to a season of sprints.

An elite map runner finishing
Sprint the Golden Gate 19–20 November 2011 San Francisco, CA USA
San Francisco terrain
Some knolls and a water feature, with the City in background.

Created: 01 November 2010
Last updated: 11 February 2012, ver. 012

© 2010–2012 Get Lost!! Running, Racing, Inc.
Street Scramble® is a registered trademark of Meridian Geographics.